The Fort Worth Sportsmen’s Club of Forth Worth (the “Club”) will award scholarships to current college students and graduating secondary school seniors who (a) reside in the North Texas region, and (b) attend or plan to attend a post-secondary college, university or other institution in the United States. These scholarships are for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the recipients, and they are restricted in that the recipients must emphasize outdoor and/or wildlife management, conservation, research and/or education in their studies.

The Scholarship Committee will consider demonstrated financial need, leadership potential, initiative, strong educational goals, contributions to community, participation in extra-curricular activities, recommendations of teachers, administrators and/or guidance counselors. The awards will not be restricted or limited based upon age, sex, race, creed, national origin or religion.

The Club’s scholarship application form must be completed and submitted in full, together with all required attachments for the applicant to receive consideration.

The recipient must provide the Club with a transcript from the educational institution to confirm good academic standing and continuation of the course of study. If a recipient of such grant does not remain in good academic standing or is no longer enrolled in his/her course of study, the award will terminate.

All recipients must access the awarded funds within six months of the time they are awarded.

The Club targets the award of grants around May or June prior to the beginning of the school year for which the application is submitted. It is anticipated that grants will be for amounts between $5,000 and $8,000.

Sportsmen’s Club of Fort Worth Scholarship Committee
P. O. Box 470393
Fort Worth, Texas 76147